
June marks the end of summer and the start of a new school year. It's time to go back to school, to fun times and to fun learning. But, it's not as easy for every child. A number of children in our city are worried about the basic nececssities that come with going back to school. Children in orphanages and underpriviliged schools struggle to find ways and means for new school supplies. Vibha seeks to change this for a few of these schools and help them enjoy the back to school experience, like a child really should! Vibha seeks to do this with the help of YOU!

Come and join hands with Vibha Hyderabad in our first drive of the year - together we CAN make a change that promises a future to many a child.

Write to School strives to gather school supplies for children, while campaigning to highlight the "Right to School" that every child has in our country. Help us reach out to 100 children this school year by doing any of the following:

  • Donate supplies needed for 1 child - 1 geometric box, 10 notebooks and 20 pencils/pens.
  • Support 10 children for the entire school year
  • Support one school for the entire school year

For more details on how you can support us, contact us at

We need to reach the final goal by October 31st, 2009 and we are confident that you will help us get there. Let's create a BRIGHTER FUTURE FOR CHILDREN!

Vibha Hyderabad Volunteers

[edit] Events

Back to School Stationery Drive

Vibha is charitable trust registered under section 80G of the Income Tax Act of India.
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